Monday, January 10, 2011

The parents divorced and from now on had never seen a father for several years

Lawyer is viewpoint:The mother is worth sympathizing with to judge suspended sentence
After judging, three accused the person all think that measuring Xing is over-weight, means to appeal to higher court.
Because the mother and uncles along together wear the stripe, the small Qian comes out to sob behind from the court and cries about:"Left my a person now, I was so big to never once separate with mother!"According to understand, the small Qian studies in primary school grade 56, the parents divorced and from now on had never seen a father for several years.The small Qian always depends on each other for life with mother Chen Xue Xiang after, female female is feelings of a pair is always quite good.The 19-year-old small Qian affairs stopped schooling after taking place and rented with 3 aunt and cousins a currently the house of more than 10 square meters, uncle Chen Jian Xiong still has a 2-year-old kid nobody care.

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